Kostadin Obretenov has significant experience in commercial, environmental, administrative and international law. He focuses on issues related to the needs of the businesses in and outside national frameworks, as well as the administrative regulations and legislation aspects of the environment requirements and public and private international law cases. Prior to joining the firm, Obretenov consulted and represented the Bulgarian environmental administration. As a result of his close collaboration with the Law Faculty of Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Mr. Obretenov manages to attract some of the university’s brightest graduating jurists.
Memberships, Participations and Awards
• Member of the Bar Association – Plovdiv
• Member of International Moot Court Competition Association.
• Leader (Advisor) of the team of Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” for the Philip C. Jessup international legal competition during 2012-2018.
• Participation in the Philip C. Jessup international legal competition 2012 Bulgarian National Finals and winning the competition. Participation in the international rounds in Washington D.C., USA.
• Participation in European legal competition The Central and East European Moot Competition 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania (CEEMC).
• Participation in the Philip C. Jessup international legal competition 2011 Bulgarian Finals and winning the Best Written Memorial Award.
“Legal effect of the disclosure made to the debtor by the creditor for a change in assignment of the claim” – Yearbook of the University of National and World Economy, 3/2010